The Awakened Sith Wiki

Contractor's Brigade[]

What are Contractors?[]

Contractor's are the Bounty Hunters that have been contracted into a 1 year, 3 year, or 5 year period into the Awakened Sith and they serve the purpose. Being payed wealthily, the contractors are some of the most feared groups in the Empire, showing a image of patriotism and a need for action, the Contractor's Brigade was founded by Kylam-Raf in the first year of the Grand Awakening.

Payment Rates[]

1 year contract: Earning 50000 credits if not taking a special task

3 year contract: Earning 17500 credits if not taking a special task

5 year contract: Earning 50000 credits if not taking a special task


The Contractor's Brigade is pulled together to stand as the extra unit prepared for battle whenever the other men cannot respond. Though the large force is kept together by the main commanding officers, there have been cases in which contractors have been sent out on 4 troop teams to fight against rising causes. However, the Contractor's Brigade isn't to be fully trusted with free roam of the archives. Many cases have appeared with SIS agents trying to infiltrate the Intelligence group headed by Lord Grinyon.

Notable Victories[]

The Battle of Hutta

The Battle of Tatooine

The Battle of Nar Shaddaa

The Invasion of Dromund Kaas

The Defense of Ziost

The Assault on Korriban

The Battle of Cato Neimoidia

The Assault on Redmin

The Invasion of Tython

The Assault on Carrick Station

The Defense of Point Borue

The Assault on Novare

The Battle of Alderaan

The Capture of the Ancient Hypergate

The Defense of the Voidstar

The Assault on Ulgo Base

The Battle of Ord Mantell


The Defense of Mardrid Outpost

The Korriban Incursion

The Battle of Alderaan

The Defense of Point Rain

The Battle of Ord Cestus

How to Join[]

Joining is considered a privilege. Signing a contract is step one.

Step two is to speak to a person who is in charge of the Contractors, whether on the committee or on the Dark Council.

Step three is to enlist completely.

Once these steps are completed, you earn the respect badge of the Contractor.

Rank Structure[]

  1. Newcomer
  2. Contractor
  3. Privateer
  4. Mercenary
  5. Officer
  6. Warrior Merc
  7. Coordinator
  8. Commander
  9. General
  10. Committee